How To Choose An Interactive Email That Works For Your Campaign

January 9, 2024

Most email marketing campaigns are too salesy, with generic language and copy.

If you want to stay ahead of the competition and increase your open and conversion rates—interactive emails are the way to go.  

In interactive emails, readers can take desired actions within the email. There are functional elements to tap, swipe, click, or watch. 

But how do you decide which one to include in your campaign?

Find out which type of interactive email element is right for your campaign in this article.

Why are interactive emails important?

91% of consumers want interactive emails, but only 17% of marketers use them. Here’s why you must include them in your campaign:

1. Higher engagement and conversions

When you add interactivity to your email, you give readers a chance to take action instantly.

Readers can rate it or pick an option, so they can do more than just read. It leads to an immediate conversion or keep you top of mind for future conversions. You're more likely to remember an email you engaged with.

2. Lead generation

Interactive emails allow you to create great content people want to check out! 

Adding videos and photos to your content can make it easier for people to interact with it in a good way. This will ultimately lead to higher quality leads.

Users enjoy having a relationship with the brands they use. Interactive emails are a great way to create and foster a deep connection between you and your users. 

Let’s get into the different types of functionalities that make up an interactive email for your lead generation.

Types of interactive email features

You can add a link to the image or make specific parts of the image clickable. Since images are naturally engaging and eye-catching, making them clickable boosts users' experience.

With an interactive image, you can send people to a landing page where they can complete an action.

Gregg Dean of Layla Sleep explains how including interactive emails improves their marketing results.

 “Including interactive images in your email campaign will give your readers a visual call to action. Add pictures with about 2-3 interactive elements that allow your reader to either click on a product, learn more information, or share your post. A campaign that connects to your ideal client and engages with them makes the relationship more than just a transaction.”

Surveys often get a bad rep for not being compelling enough. But if you add surveys or polls to your emails, you can get more people to participate and learn more about your audience. 

Use surveys to get feedback from your customers about your brand or product. It lets you improve your products and ensure they suit the market. Customer satisfaction surveys might encourage unhappy customers to return.

GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format) are great because they are the perfect midpoint between images and videos in your emails. 

Because videos can slow down the loading time of your emails, a GIF is an excellent choice for adding some easy movement to your email. They're also very eye-catching. They add a lighthearted touch to any message, which is a great way to generate engagement because the recipient will often want to know what happened in the gif.

The right gifs can make your email memorable long after you send it out.

A countdown timer is a great way to get your customers excited about the new arrival. It could be about a new product, a change to the website, upcoming sales, or a big event. They are excellent for invoking anticipation and a sense of urgency. 

Choosing the right interactive email element

For every email campaign, there's a distinct functional element that aligns with the goals you set to achieve.

For example, if the purpose of your email campaign is to be fun while creating interest (e.g., promotional email), then use GIFs. You can also use them for seasonal or festive celebration campaigns because it is a great way to add color to your email.

Below are some suggestions  that will help in making decisions on which interactive email features to use in different email campaigns:

Emails requesting referrals are a part of the post-purchase or post-subscription email sequence. Referrals can be quite a chore for your audience, regardless of how excellent your service or product is.

Your recipients can click on CTA buttons to automatically give you a shout-out on their social media. It is a great way to gain visibility. 

GIFs, or receipts, are great for confirming a transaction and upselling. A customer just bought a product or service? You can sell them complementary products. Make it easy for customers to buy and add this to their order. 

Did someone leave something in their shopping cart? Don't just send a friendly reminder and hope the customer visits your website. Make it more fun with an interactive shopping cart. An interactive, payment-accepting email shopping cart lets shoppers pick up where they left off. 

You could use graphics showing FAQs about your product/services for support emails. The graphics button could take recipients to the support page or a landing page where they can get help. It is a great way to encourage users to continue using your service. Acts like these can turn a one-time customer into a return customer.


Before you send your next email, remember that people read marketing emails for an average of 10 seconds. You only have a few seconds to grab people's attention and get them to take action. So pick the best interactive email that fits your campaign. 

Start sending interactive emails today and get higher conversions and ROI.

About the Author 

Isioma Ogwuda is a content marketing manager at Survey54.

You’ll find her freelance writing for tech companies, trying new recipes,

and laughing at her jokes outside work.

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