How to Calculate ARPU

August 27, 2024

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) measures the revenue generated per user over a specific period. It helps businesses refine pricing, segment customers, and assess overall health. Calculating ARPU involves dividing total revenue by the number of active users. Tracking ARPU aids in making data-driven decisions and optimizing strategies for growth.

In today's tough business world, it is important to know how much money each customer makes for your business. This is why calculating ARPU is essential. ARPU stands for Average Revenue Per User. It shows the average revenue a business makes from each user or customer over a specific period. By looking at ARPU, businesses can learn how well their pricing works, understand the value of their customer base, and see how healthy their finances are overall.

What is Average Revenue per User(ARPU)

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is an important measure for seeing how well a business is doing financially. It shows the average amount of revenue that comes from each user over a set time period. To find ARPU, you divide the total revenue by the total number of users. Knowing ARPU allows businesses to look at pricing plans, revenue streams, and different customer segments. A high ARPU means that users are spending more money, which often shows that marketing campaigns and pricing strategies are working well. On the other hand, a lower ARPU might mean that a business needs to work more on keeping customers and finding ways to increase revenue.

Defining ARPU

Average revenue per user (ARPU) shows the average money made from each user in a specific time period. It's usually calculated monthly, also called MRPU or monthly revenue per user, but can also be done quarterly or yearly. ARPU is a quick way to see how well a company makes money from its customer base.

It’s important to note that ARPU looks at average revenue, not total revenue. This means it ignores the total number of customers or users and focuses on how much revenue is made per user. This is especially helpful for subscription-based businesses or those wanting to boost customer lifetime value. It helps in evaluating pricing plans and customer engagement strategies.

A high ARPU is usually seen as good, but we must think about the industry and the business model. Comparing ARPU across different sectors or between companies with different pricing strategies may not be right. Instead, watching trends and improvements in ARPU over time within the same business context will give more useful information.

The Components That Make Up ARPU

For example, in SaaS, it may mean users with active subscriptions.

For social media platforms, it could mean users who logged in at least once in that period.

It is also important to tell the difference between one-time and recurring revenue.

Both add to the total revenue, but recurring revenue from subscriptions or memberships usually helps create a more steady income.

As a result, a good ARPU often shows a nice mix of one-time sales and recurring revenue.

The ARPU Formula

ARPU stands for Average Revenue Per User. It is an important measure to see how well a business is doing financially. To find ARPU, you simply divide the Total Revenue earned over a given period by the total number of users during that same time. This key metric helps understand how much money each customer brings in on average. By checking ARPU often, businesses can see how well their pricing and customer retention strategies work. They can also assess how well they generate revenue. Knowing the ARPU formula is important for making smart choices that support long-term growth and profit.

ARPU formula explained

Variables to Consider for Accurate ARPU Calculation

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating ARPU

Calculating your average revenue per user (ARPU) is easy and involves two steps.

Step 1: Find your total revenue for a given period. This should include all money from subscriptions, purchases, and any other revenue streams linked to your users.

Step 2: Next, take that total revenue and divide it by the number of active users for that specific period. Doing this will give you the ARPU for that time.

Gathering the Necessary Data

Step 1: Gathering the Necessary Data

You can use analytics tools, CRM systems, and billing software to collect and combine this information. Good data collection is key for accurate ARPU calculation and better analysis.

Also, breaking down your customer data by demographics, behaviors, and subscription plans can help you understand your ARPU better. This way, you can target your marketing efforts, provide tailored offers, and increase customer lifetime value.

Applying the Formula in Real-World Scenarios

Step 2: Applying the Formula in Real-World Scenarios

How to calculate ARPU real-world example

Imagine a mobile gaming company that has in-app purchases to make gameplay better. This company has 10,000 active users in a month. Their total revenue from these purchases is $5,000. To find out their ARPU, they need to divide the total revenue by the number of active users.

So, their ARPU for that month is $0.50 ($5,000 divided by 10,000). This means that each active user spends an average of $0.50 on in-app purchases in that month. This information can help the company improve their pricing strategies for in-app items. It can also help them design better promotions and understand how users spend money. This way, they can increase revenue generation.

Example from the Tech Industry

In the ever-evolving tech industry, where subscription models are prevalent, Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) holds significant importance.

A high ARPU indicates that the pricing strategy is effective and that the company has a substantial and engaged user base. To either maintain or enhance their ARPU, the service could explore converting free users into paying subscribers. This could involve offering exclusive trial periods or specialized content to entice them to subscribe.

Additionally, introducing family or student plans can help broaden their user base, thereby increasing overall revenue while ensuring competitive pricing per user. By analyzing ARPU, tech companies can evaluate the efficacy of their growth strategies and tailor offerings to better align with user preferences and needs.

Furthermore, apart from just focusing on increasing revenue through existing user bases, companies can also leverage insights gained from ARPU calculations to develop targeted marketing campaigns aimed at acquiring new customers. By understanding the value each customer brings to the business in terms of revenue generation, companies can optimize their marketing strategies to attract high-value customers who are likely to boost ARPU metrics over time.

Example from the Subscription Service Sector

ARPU, or Average Revenue Per User, serves as a crucial metric for businesses in the subscription service industry to gauge their performance. Companies offering subscription boxes, such as those featuring beauty products, strive to increase their ARPU to ensure profitability and sustainability. For instance, if a beauty subscription box firm has 5,000 subscribers generating $100,000 in total revenue per month, their ARPU would amount to $20. This signifies that each subscriber contributes an average of $20 in revenue monthly.

The Significance of ARPU in Business Strategy and Marketing

How ARPU Influences Decision Making

ARPU's Role in Predicting Company Growth

Differentiating Between Types of ARPU

ARPU can be divided into different types. Each type helps us understand different parts of how a business makes money. Two common types are direct ARPU and indirect ARPU.

Direct ARPU looks at the money made directly from users. This includes things like subscription fees or in-app purchases. On the other hand, indirect ARPU examines money made indirectly. This often comes from advertising revenue in a free app that has a big user base.

Direct ARPU vs. Indirect ARPU

Understanding the difference between direct and indirect ARPU is very important. This helps businesses check how well they are doing and make better choices.

  1. Direct ARPU shows the amount of revenue made from paying users or customers for a certain service or product in a set time. This usually includes money from subscriptions, one-time buys, or in-app buying. It shows how the user base is being monetized and is key for subscription businesses.
  2. On the other hand, indirect ARPU looks at revenue from users who may not pay directly for the service. This is often true for companies that earn money from ads, like free mobile apps or websites with many users.

Both direct and indirect ARPU add to total revenue. So, it is important to know how much each one adds. This helps in building strong money-making strategies, setting prices right, and increasing profits based on their business model and target audience.

Advanced Calculations and Adjustments

The basic ARPU formula is a good starting point. However, you can do more advanced calculations for better insights. For instance, grouping your users based on how you acquired them, their demographics, or their behavior can show differences in ARPU.

Also, looking at factors like customer churn and customer lifetime value can help you see the bigger picture. This will give you a better understanding of long-term revenue generation and overall profit.

Navigating Common Challenges in ARPU Calculation

Adjusted ARPU for Time Variations

Adjusting ARPU for changes in time is very important, especially for businesses that see different revenue throughout the year. For example, a social media site might see more users and higher advertising income during the holidays. To really know their average revenue per user, it’s key to adjust ARPU for these highs and lows in user activity and revenue.

One way to adjust for time changes is to look at a rolling average ARPU over a longer timeframe. This can help lessen temporary ups and downs and gives a clearer view of the average revenue each user brings in.

Another way is to break down ARPU calculations by seasons or major events. This lets businesses see revenue trends for specific times and change their plans as needed. By knowing how ARPU changes over time, companies can decide better on marketing campaigns, how to allocate resources, and how to develop products to align with user habits and market trends.

Adjusting ARPU for More Accurate Business Insights

While ARPU provides a valuable overview of revenue generation per user, adjusting it for specific factors can unlock more accurate and insightful business perspectives. One approach is to calculate ARPU for different customer segments to identify variations in spending patterns. For example, segmenting users by subscription tier (e.g., Basic, Premium) can reveal which plans generate the highest ARPU, guiding pricing strategies and product development.

Additionally, separating revenue growth from new customers allows for a clearer understanding of ARPU trends among existing users. This differentiation is crucial, especially for businesses experiencing rapid customer acquisition, as a low ARPU among existing users might indicate a need for improved customer retention strategies.

Furthermore, adjusting ARPU to consider customer churn provides insights into the long-term profitability of the user base. By accounting for users who discontinued their service, businesses can gain a more accurate picture of sustainable revenue generation.

Tools and Resources for ARPU Calculation

There are tools and resources available to simplify ARPU calculations. You can use spreadsheets for basic tracking or opt for advanced analytics tools with features like segmentation and data visualization. Choose a tool based on your business requirements, budget, data connectivity, user-friendliness, reporting capabilities, and scalability.

Top X Tools to Simplify Your ARPU Calculations

Several tools can help you track and analyze ARPU easily. These tools fit different business models and their various needs. Here are some popular ones:

  1. Baremetrics: This tool is great for subscription businesses. It works directly with payment systems like Stripe. It offers useful dashboards, tracks metrics, and helps in cohort analysis, making it easy to monitor ARPU.
  2. ProfitWell: This tool focuses on subscription metrics. ProfitWell gives detailed ARPU analysis and helps with segmenting and benchmarking. It helps businesses see how their revenue generation measures up to industry standards.
  3. Google Analytics: While not just for ARPU, Google Analytics has features that track user behavior, engagement, and conversion rates. By adding revenue data, businesses can see how user actions relate to their ARPU.
  4. Mailmodo: This tool provides email marketing solutions that can help businesses improve customer engagement and retention, ultimately impacting ARPU.

Choosing the right tool depends on your needs, budget, and how complex your business model is. Looking into and comparing different features can help you pick the best tool for easy ARPU calculation and analysis.

Utilizing Software for Enhanced Accuracy

Relying on spreadsheets or doing math by hand for ARPU can take a lot of time and makes it easy to make mistakes. Using software made for ARPU tracking has several benefits. First, these tools automate how you collect and calculate data. This cuts down on the chance of human errors.

Mailmodo has created a tool that will help in the accurate calculation of ARPU. Software can easily work with your current business systems. This includes payment gateways, CRM platforms, and marketing tools. This means your data stays consistent, giving you a complete picture of how your business is doing. You can then make better choices based on accurate ARPU data.

Also, using software helps improve accuracy by looking at different factors that affect ARPU. These factors include customer segments, churn rate, and changes in subscriptions. This information helps businesses find trends, spot areas to improve, and create strategies that fit specific customer segments. In the end, using software for the ARPU metric helps businesses make decisions that are backed by exact information, which is key for long-term growth.


In conclusion, knowing how to understand and calculate ARPU is important for measuring the money made per user. It helps in creating better business plans. By looking at the different parts, factors, and examples, businesses can learn more about how much value a customer brings and the money they can make. ARPU is very important in marketing and making decisions. Using the right tools can make ARPU calculations easier, which gives clearer data for smarter business moves. To improve revenue streams and better customer relationships, learning to calculate ARPU is a valuable skill in today's business world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Good ARPU Value for My Business?

A good ARPU value can change a lot based on your industry, business model, and target audience. There is not a single correct answer for everyone. Usually, a good ARPU helps you grow steadily, earn profits, and gain loyal customers. If your ARPU is going up over a given time frame, that’s good news!

How Often Should ARPU Be Calculated?

The way you calculate ARPU depends on what your business needs. It is a good idea to calculate ARPU every month. This helps you see how much revenue you make from each customer in a specific time period. By doing this, you can check how well your marketing campaigns are working, see the results of your growth strategies, and find out who your most valuable customers are.

Can ARPU Be Used for Forecasting Revenue Growth?

ARPU is not a perfect tool, but it can help show how revenue might grow. By looking at past ARPU numbers and considering things like new customers, churn rate, and market situations, businesses can make smart guesses about future revenue.

How Does Customer Churn Affect ARPU?

When customers leave, it affects your average revenue per user (ARPU). As your user base gets smaller, your ARPU goes down. This happens if the lost income is not balanced by gaining new customers or by current customers spending more money. By looking at customer churn along with customer lifetime value and customer data, you can find helpful insights. This can help you make better plans for keeping customers longer.

Is There a Difference Between ARPU and AARPU (Adjusted ARPU)?

ARPU and AARPU are different. ARPU shows the average revenue per user. AARPU, on the other hand, adds adjustments to this average. It is important to know these differences to get a clear picture of financial analysis.

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