Insights on How Email Marketing Fuels Your Inbound Strategy

November 22, 2023

Your business thrives when you establish a strong and impactful online presence. Not only do people remember and trust your brand, but it drives up your sales. This is achieved with email marketing and masterful execution of your inbound strategy.

Email marketing is a tried-and-true classic that businesses continue to use today, even with new technological innovations. Part of its continued success is that most people prefer email as the go-to channel for promotions and updates from brands they trust.

If you want to level up your inbound marketing efforts, you are in the right place. Here, we are sharing the positive impact of email marketing and the strategies that will boost your sales.

What is Email Marketing?

Short answer: It is a consensual relationship between you and your target audience. 

They agreed to receive emails from you when they joined your mailing list. On the other hand, you promised to continually provide them with valuable content within their scope of interest and solutions that can either resolve specific pain points or enrich their lives.

The email content you share can range from promotions about your products or services and insightful newsletters about your industry or certain issues, to name a few.

What Are The Benefits Of Email Marketing?

Every marketing channel has its advantages. Here are some positive effects of email marketing that showcase how your business can benefit.

Improve Sales 

As mentioned earlier, people prefer to receive promotions via their email. Email marketing is a great way to sell your products and services to people. 

Plus, another fact of the matter is they joined your mailing list. This means they are already interested in your brand and what you offer. So, convincing them to make a purchase does not meet the same level of resistance as when you show an ad to a passerby on social media.  

Generate Traffic to Your Website 

Want more people to visit your website? It does not stop with just creating great content. You should share the news with people.

One way to do that is through email marketing. For example, you can share valuable insight through a short newsletter and encourage them to visit your website to read the whole thing. 

Another plus is encouraging people to visit your website via email will help you climb the search engine ranks.

Increase Legitimate Leads

We have established that people joining your mailing list are already very interested in what you offer. This also means they are all potential inbound marketing leads that will, eventually, be converted into loyal customers. 

Save Time

Since email marketing has been around for a long time, many marketing tools are available, including email automation. 

This type of tool helps you save a lot of time and effort. It is a great assistant equipped with features like helping you create personalized campaigns and automatically send them when you schedule in advance, to name a few. 

Of course, aside from saving you the hassle of doing time-consuming tasks, it also helps you provide your subscribers with a seamless experience.

Measure Campaigns’ Success

There are also email marketing tools that help you track key performance metrics. This enables you to gauge the success of your email campaigns

Moreover, this also helps you experiment with each variable, like your call-to-actions, email copies, subject lines, and graphics, to find out the best combination and get even better results. 

Learn More About The Target Audience

There is a lot of data that you collect with email marketing to help you get a better understanding of your audience. Aside from ensuring your inbound marketing strategy is on point, it helps you in a lot of ways as well, like:

Of course, it is important to note that your inbound marketing efforts will improve when you combine email with other marketing avenues. 

6 Emails Marketing Strategies to Boost Inbound Leads

With that said, now that we have a better idea of the positive impact of email marketing on your business, let us talk about strategy. 

There are tons of methods on the Internet that you can apply to achieve email marketing success. So, we condensed it and carefully selected key actionable strategies you can apply now.

Clean Your Email List

Are your emails reaching everyone on your mailing list? You may be experiencing deliverability issues.

To avoid this, you must regularly clean your email list, also known as list cleaning. It is the process of going through your list and separating the people who:

So, why do you need to do this? It sounds counterproductive!

There is no denying that you worked hard to grow your mailing list. However, your marketing efforts might end in a schlump if left as is. 

That is why you still need to spring-clean it.

Think of your list like a plant; it will only grow properly if you prune it when it really needs to. After pruning, it may look better right now, but it will improve your email deliverability over time.

Optimize Your Calls-To-Action

While they may seem straightforward, which they are, CTAs are the encouraging one-liners that urge your subscribers to take action—whether that is to make a purchase, visit a site, or subscribe to something. 

However, even though it is pretty simple, you must pay attention to this detail for your inbound marketing strategy. 

With that said, here are a couple of tips to create compelling CTAs: 

Remember, weak CTAs get poor results, and strong CTAs get better results.

Use Segmentation To Get More Targeted

You provide your subscribers with value through amazing email content. However, not everyone shares the same preferences. 

So, what do you do to ensure your subscribers only get the best while still being interesting?

Answer: Segmenting. 

Many factors can help you group your subscribers into niched segments; here are a couple of examples:

Re-Engage Cold Subscribers

When you do list cleaning, you do not necessarily have to delete them. You can just put them in a separate segment.

While they are cold now because they do not need your products or services, there is still an opportunity there: You can try re-engaging them. 

Why should you do this?

Getting new customers costs much more than your current audience and customer base. Warming up cold customers can be achieved in a couple of ways:

Personalize Your Emails

At this point, personalizing your emails to fit your audience is considered a standard practice. However, believe it or not, only some people do it.

If you are guilty of committing this, then this is your sign to do a one-eighty and start personalizing your emails.

First of all, why should you be doing this?

Here is a simple reason: Being relatable and likable can make a difference. People are more likely to engage and purchase when they have a good relationship with your brand.

With that said, here are a couple of tips to help you out: 

Optimize For Mobile

Last, but not least, make sure your emails are optimized for mobile users. These days, most people online use their smartphones and tablets versus desktops. 

Since you want to give subscribers the best experience, ensure your email is readable on any mobile device.

At this point, making things easier to read for them is just out of courtesy. But, also, they are more likely to check out what you have to offer instead of leaving it mid-way when your email is mobile-friendly.

Final Thoughts

Email marketing is a timeless tool that will get you the desired results. A consensual connection with your audience already puts your foot in the door.

You will have loyal customers when you carefully nurture your connection with your subscribers into a trusting relationship. It not only helps you boost sales but also helps your business gain more visibility and credibility. Moreover, it also allows you to create a community that will yield more potential inbound marketing leads.

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