7 Tips to Simplify the Process of Writing Content for Email Marketing!

August 5, 2024

Email marketing has been one of the oldest bridges for communication between businesses and customers for decades. If you think this specific marketing channel has become obsolete, you are mistaken, and it is time that you start focusing on it.

Most people don’t focus much on email marketing because they find it difficult to create engaging and digestible content. If you are also one of those who are hunting for ways to simplify the process of writing email content, we would suggest you read this guide. 

In this post, we will explain seven tips that can help you simplify the email marketing process. But first, let us start with the basics:

What is a Marketing Email?

A marketing email contains a message based on a commercial purpose. The purpose of such emails is to provoke an action. Emails serve multiple purposes, such as engaging people, driving sales, generating traffic, or keeping your clients engaged with the business. 

This is why you would see that most marketers put much of their focus and resources into creating the perfect mail. Now that you know the basic concept of a marketing email, let us discuss in detail the tips that can simplify creating the best one. 

7 Tips to Simplify the Process of Writing Email Content!

Follow these tips if you want to write a powerful email that convinces the recipient to take action. All email marketing experts from across the globe recommend these strategies.

  1. Start with an Informative Subject Line

Most of us are busy individuals with full inbox folders containing emails from various businesses, websites, blogs, and other marketing channels. This means there is a very good chance that the email you send will not be opened/read by the recipient.

You must include a hint in the subject line or add powerful words/intriguing phrases that can ignite curiosity in the recipient's mind and urge them to open the email. An engaging subject line is the most important thing in your email, so you need to focus on it.

  1. Add a Strong & Attention-Grabbing Introduction

Your email would start with salutations. Once you are done with the greetings to the recipient, you need to start the email with a strong introduction. Your opening sentences will determine whether your recipient will read the email till the end. 

So, when writing an email, you must present the main point or core context of the email body in the introduction lines. If your intro doesn’t appeal to the audience, you can be successful in email marketing.

  1. Keep Your Email Message/Body Clear & Concise

According to recent stats on Statista, thousands of businesses, agencies, and other institutes send over 347 billion emails/day to users across the globe. This statistic shows that people today spend most of their time reading emails.

This also means that if you want your email to be read by your intended audience, you must ensure that it is written in the shortest possible way. You need to keep your sentences short and crispy, keep paragraphs short, add bullet points, and keep a simple format to enhance the clarity of the message. 

  1. Be Consistent with Your Font Style 

When it comes to writing emails, you must keep a simple and consistent style and tone. If you are writing emails in a fancy font style, it will give a bad impression, and most of your recipients will assume the mail is a scam. 

Using fonts of different styles and colours can damage your email's authority, which is why it is important to use a simple font style such as Arial, Calibri, or Cambria and also a clear size such as 12,13 pts. 

This would improve your email's overall visual appeal and make it more digestible for the readers.

  1. Write the First Draft with AI Generative Tools

Email writing can be difficult, especially if you don’t have any prior experience with it. If you are confused about the contents of the email, you can always get help from AI text generative tools like Gemini, Chatgpt, etc. 

These tools can create a first draft for you on the topic or niche of your choice. You can create informative drafts with these tools and surely find out how to create well-structured and properly formatted emails without any hassle.

Now, you must note that if you are using content generated by an AI tool, it is important to check it for robotic words and phrases that might make the email difficult to comprehend. You can humanize your AI-crafted emails by using a reliable AI humanizer

  1. Paraphrase Existing Emails for Improved Efficiency 

To simplify the writing process, it is best to rewrite existing email drafts. You can reuse your emails, get samples or templates from other websites, or paraphrase text generated by AI tools. 

Online paraphrasing tools use natural language processing, machine learning, and other advanced technologies to understand the main ideas in the email text and present them in different words and with a unique style and tone. 

You can use the Paraphrase Tool for this purpose. This online paraphrasing tool offers different modes, which allow users to easily repurpose their old emails differently. Using a paraphraser, users can easily create error-free and unique emails without hassle.

  1. Use a Free Email Marketing Tool to Save Time

If you want to automate the process of email marketing, you must get help from online tools such as Benchmark Email. This is a great option for those who want to design highly attractive emails for their audience. 

You can get email templates, add images to your email, and get access to plenty of editing options, all of which you can use to create the best emails easily. You can also automate the process of sending emails with the help of these tools, so you would not have to go through the hassle of manual sharing.


Email marketing is very important and relevant nowadays because it can deliver results. 

In this article, we have discussed seven important tips and tricks that can help you simplify the process of email writing. 

Email writing has become very easy today because of online tools such as paraphrasers, humanizers, text generators, and email marketing apps. 

By using these tools, one can easily streamline the process of writing content for email marketing. We hope that by following these tips, you can create the simplest emails. 

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